Wednesday 11 February 2009

High Tech Photo-very cool inauguration photo

Subject: High Tech Photo-very cool H2CUU inauguration photo
Since most of you could not be there in person thought you would like to look around.  Look  at Bill and Hillary, Biden, everyone. Zoom in on the crowd.  Interesting group of people. For those who like cameras, this will really get your interest.  
You can spend an hour on this single photo. When the picture comes up, move your chosen view around with the zoom in/out and the directional arrows in the upper left corner of the screen.  Find your friends/enemies .. . Have fun.

Amazing photo
2009 Inauguration Photo - SUPER HI-DEF 
 Zoom in ('double-click' an area) ....and watch it focus.
Then zoom some more... and wait for focus.    What a surveillance tool this is. !
This picture was taken with a robotic camera and weighs in at 1,474 megapixel. (295 times the standard 5 megapixel camera)
It was a Canon that pulled together over 200 individual shots.

Each zoom in takes a second to focus ...and then you can see some amazing reactions.