Wednesday 25 February 2009

Hamodia USA Newspaper - Setting the double-standard in Frum media

Just a short while ago if you Googled the word hamodia and clicked on the first link from your query, you were directed to a simple place-holder site with the words "We will not be publishing an internet Edition of the paper."

However, that has all changed now. With the growing popularity of the internet, even within the Heimishe community, the Hamodia has realized that by not publishing an online edition they miss out tapping into an otherwise lucrative market. By beefing up their online presence, although their online news, like their print news, is far from award-winning, they nevertheless hope to use their web-site to reel in subscribers to their print edition.

Aside from the obvious hypocrisy by the Hamodia of going back on their original self-righteous condescending visionless words, there is an even deeper flaw here. For some reason it just plain smacks of chutzpa when a newspaper that refuses to accept advertisements for web-sites goes right ahead and builds a site of their own.
The overwhelming message here seems to be that the Hamodia is adamantly against the use of the internet until they can use it as a way to profit from it for themselves.