Tuesday 20 January 2009

Velecher Is Der Chusid - LipaSchmeltzer.com Newsletter


20 Teves, 5769 / January 16, 2009

Velecher Is Der Chusid
LipaSchmeltzer.com Newsletter


Lipa's sold-out Soul to Soul 5769 concert in Crown Heights was an explosive event that pierced the hearts of everyone in the audience. For three solid hours, Lipa and the Shira Choir enthralled the enthusiastic crowd. With Lipa's legendary talent and energy, he hotwired and electrified the evening. Lipa called himself a 'Lupavicher' in the making,' using many references to Lubavicher terms, and endearing himself to his listeners. The concert commenced with lighting two candles and finished with a Baal Shem Tov story, as is customary for Motzei Shabbos. The concert was produced by NO/IT productions, and proceeds benefit The Chasdei Zahavi Foundation, headed by Shmuel and Tzirel Goldman, for the education of Crown Heights children with special needs.

(Images Courtesy of www.collive.com

Lipa entered the stage at the George Wingate Auditorium on Kingston Avenue wearing a Chinese-letter illustrated blue kapota, explaining: "This is my Chinese kapota. I'm wearing it tonight because Lubavitch is the only one that has a Bais Medrash in China."

There was plenty of shtick to shake, rattle and roll the evening. Both Lipa and the members of the Shira Mens Choir continually switched glasses and outfits, keeping things hopping through the night. With fan-pleasing favorites like 'Rabbosai' and 'Wake Up' and emotional ballads dedicated to our brothers in Israel, the concert swung between pulse-pounding and heart-warming renditions. Lipa kept the crowd on its toes.

Exclusively for this event, Lipa composed a song entitled 'Moishele Neshamale,' a poignant letter to the famous Mumbai Miracle whose parents were both slain al Kiddush Hashem. The song was professionally arranged and beautifully orchestrated. Many tears were evident in the crowd as Lipa sang his letter to Moishe'le. For the few who didn't yet figure out the identity of the child, Yanky Teitelbaum's slide show showed Chabad's murdered Shluchim to Mumbai, Rabbi Gavriel and Rivka Holtzberg and their two year old son, Moshe. When he finished singing, Lipa received a standing ovation that lasted for quite a few minutes. The emotion that was evident on the faces of all his listeners clearly reflected their shared sentiments for this beloved child.

Friday afternoon before the concert, Lipa visited Zeide Holzberg, Moishele's grandfather, in Crown Heights. He went there to sing the Moshele song to him personally, and to give him the letter with the words. Zeide Holzberg was so moved by this tribute, that he sent Lipa a special kintres that Gabi Holzberg, Hy'd, Moishele's father, made when he was only 17 years old. He told Lipa, "Moishele doesn't even have that sefer yet. I want you, Lipa, to be the one to give it to him. Sing to Moishele your song, and give him this holy sefer that his father wrote." Lipa was touched and awed beyond words at being given this special, select honor.

Lipa has decided to release the Moishele song at an occasion in the very near future which so far he refuses to disclose. He assures me that we'll all find out about it soon enough.

Lipa in Afula, Israel singing for Moshele Holtzberg of Mumbai. Lipa's song for Moshele will be coming out on video soon. Photos courtesy of Shimon Rosenberg, Moshele's Zeidy. For more photos, click here

Moshele crying in the arms of Sandra, his heroic caretaker. Its very hard for little Moishele to get used to his new home. I wanted to ask her a few things but she is understandably very broken, so its hard for her to talk about it. The little bike is a present from me to Moishele, and I got Sandra a nice sweater. I'll give a detailed report in the next newsletter.

Lipa met Avraham Fried on the plane to Israel, and they worked together to compose songs. The famous Israeli singer Ahreleh Samet drove out together with Lipa to Afula and sang along together with Lipa.