Monday 12 January 2009

Lipa Schmeltzer sings a song composed in honor of Moishy Holtzberg

Moishe'le Neshama'le

Col Live presents the much talked about heart-tugging song Lipa Schmeltzer composed in honor of Moishy Holtzberg, surviving son of Chabad's slain Shluchim in Mumbai. Moishe'le Neshama'le, written as a letter to the two year old child, was sung at the Soul II Soul 5769 concert in Crown Heights on this past Motzoei Shabbos Jan 10, 2009.

As heart-rending as the song is, the video they showed as he sang, was even more so. The clip below shows only a small part of that video. The Video below also fails to show the standing ovation Lipa got as he concluded the song. There wasn't a dry eye in the hall.