Tuesday 2 December 2008

Mumbai Terror Tragedy Kruman Foundation


Date: 01/12/2008 18:22:50

Subject: Mumbai Terror Tragedy



To all my dear friends,

 I am sure that you are all still in shock after hearing the terrible news coming out of India. One of the victims was a personal friend of mine, and I am deeply grieved at this terrible loss. Bentzy Kruman was a father of 3 young children. A person that had a great attitude and made everybody feel good in his presence. He will be sorely missed by all who knew him.
 A group of prominent Rabbonim and community askonim, have put together a fund to help support the young widow and her children.
 I respectfully ask that you visit the special website which has been set up for this purpose, and make a donation in whatever sum you can generously donate for this family.
 May Hashem give them and us the strength to carry on with life and may we only hear good tidings.
Thank you,

 PS- Feel free to forward this email to your personal contacts. Tizku L'Mitzvos

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